You can reach Lalibela BY AIR from: Addis, Bahir Dar, Gondar, Axum from Lalibela you can fly to: Addis, Axum, Gondar, Bahir Dar, Mekele. You also can come to Lalibela BY BUS: Addis: 1,5 days, Bahir Dar around 8 hours, Gondar around 9 hours, Axum around 13 hours, Mekele around 8 hours coming-going, to- from Lalibela by bus or car: you either have to change buses in Gashena (60 km West of Lalibela) or in Woldia (180km) /Dessie (400km) East of Lalibela
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Ethiopia Community Based Tour
Danakil Depression Tour
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